Sunday, February 6, 2011

Monday afternoon & the Nicaraguan Children

At lunch, which was around 12:30 everyone around the table looked exhausted. The sun had taken a toll on the other group and all the movement of the materials tired out my group. After I ate I had planned to go upstairs and read but the children I had gotten into the bubble war with the previous evening called me. Their shear enthusiasm drew me over and the next thing I knew we were engaged in some bubble blowing and bubble popping frenzy. Three of the little girls, Ashley (in the picture to the right) , Clara and one more whose name escapes me, ganged up on me and I had no hope of escaping unscathed. Soapy water was everywhere, especially on me. At the end of the fight, my pants were a combination of dirt, grime and bubble mix. Since my Spanish is still quite iffy, I spoke to them in English. What was interesting was that they could tell I was playing with them by my tone. They just kept on laughing and talking to me in Spanish. Neither of us knew what the other was saying but it just didn't seem to matter. They were so full of energy and happy that I don't think anything could have chilled their spirits.

Speaking of playing with the children, many friends gave me toys to bring to Nicaragua this year for the children. In fact, I brought 2 large suitcases on the trip and one of them was almost completely filled with toys. I appreciate all of your generosity very much. What's amazing is how much fun the children had with the simplest things. Bubbles brought endless hours of amusement. Many of our group spent time coloring with the children, too. What's interesting is that children of all ages enjoyed coloring and an equal number of girls and boys partook in this activity. In the picture to the left 4 girls are sitting quietly coloring.

A couple of friends gave me some balloon punching balls. When I broke these out, kids appeared out of the wood work and the whole court yard was full of kids punching balloons. It was quite a sight to be seen, kids running around batting the balloons around laughing. A fun time was had by all. In the picture to the right, even the smallest child wanted in on the action.

Another friend gave me yoyo's to bring... These were like gold and the children couldn't get enough of them. Below Martin, my dance partner from the first night is trying his hand with the yoyo. Again, thanks to all of you for your contributions. You can see that they got put to good use.